Supply chains and the environment
Agriculture and climate change
Agricultural innovation systems
Behavior and geography
Nutrition and sustainability
- Grabs, J.**, Levy, S.*, Cammelli, F.**, and Garrett, R.. 2021 “Designing effective and equitable zero-deforestation supply chain policies.” Global Environmental Change 70. International Geneva Award (2021)
- Garrett, R.D., Levy, S.*, Gollnow, F.**, and Rueda, X., 2021. “Have food supply chain policies improved forest conservation and rural livelihoods? A systematic review” Environmental Research Letters 16: 033002.
- Meyfroidt, P, Borner, J., Garrett, R., Gardner, T., Godor, J., Kis-Katos, K.; Soares-Filho, B., Wunder, S. 2020. "Focus on leakage and spillovers: Informing land-use governance in a tele-coupled world." Environmental Research Letters.
- Garrett, R.D., Levy, S.*, Carlson, K. et al. 2019. “Criteria for effective Zero-deforestation commitments.” Global Environmental Change. 54: 135–147.
- Ermgassen, E.K.H.J. zu, Ayre, B., Godar, J., Lima, M.G.B., Bauch, S., Garrett, R., et al., 2019. “Using supply chain data to monitor zero deforestation commitments: an assessment of progress in the Brazilian soy sector.” Environmental Research Letters
- Lambin, E., Gibbs, H., Heilmayr, R., Carlson, K. M., Fleck, L., Garrett, R., et al. 2018. “The road to zero deforestation supply chains.” Nature Climate Change. 8:109-116.
- Garrett, R.D., Koh, I.*, Lambin, E.F., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Kastens, J., and Brown, J.C., 2018. “Intensification in agriculture-forest frontiers: land use responses to development and conservation policies in Brazil.” Global Environmental Change. 53: 233-243.
- Gardner, T.A. Benzie, M., Dawkins, E., Garrett, R., et al., 2018. “Transformative Transparency: Enabling greater supply chain accountability to motivate and deliver on zero-deforestation commitments,” World Development. 121:163-177.
- le Polain de Waroux, Y., Garrett, R., Graesser, J., Lambin, E., and Nolte, C. 2017. “The restructuring of South American soy and beef production and trade under changing environmental regulations.” World Development. 121:188-202.
- Rueda, X., Garrett, R., and Lambin, E, 2017. “Corporate investments in supply chain sustainability: selecting instruments in the agri-food industry.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 42(4).
- Garrett, R., Carlson, K., Rueda, X., and Noojipady, P., 2016. “Assessing the potential additionality of certification by the Round table on Responsible Soybeans and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil” Environmental Research Letters, 11 045003.
- le Polain de Waroux, Y.** Garrett, R., Heilmyer, R., and Lambin, E., 2016. “Land-use policies and corporate investments in agriculture in the Gran Chaco and Chiquitano” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113:4021–4026.
- Garrett, R. D. and Rausch, L., 2016 “Green for gold: social and ecological tradeoffs influencing the sustainability of the Brazilian soy industry.” The Journal of Peasant Studies, 43(2):461-493. Garrett, R., Rueda, X., and Lambin, E., 2013. “Globalization’s unexpected impact on soybean production in South America: linkages between preferences for non-genetically modified crops, eco- certifications, and land use.” Environmental Research Letters, 8 044055. ERL’s Annual Highlights (2013), Featured Article (March 2014), and IOP Select.
- Garrett, R., Lambin, E., and Naylor, R., 2013. “The new economic geography of land use change: supply chain configurations and Land Use in the Brazilian Amazon.” Land Use Policy, 34: 265–275.
- Garrett, R., Lambin, E., and Naylor, R. 2012. “Land institutions and supply chains as determinants of local soy planted area and yields.” Land Use Policy, 31: 385-396.
- Martinelli, L., Garrett, R., Ferraz, S., and Naylor, R., 2011. “Sugar and ethanol production as a rural development strategy in Brazil: evidence from the state of São Paulo.” Agricultural Systems, 104: 419–428.
Agriculture and climate change
- Koh, I.*, Garrett, R.D., Janetos, A., Mueller, N.D., 2020. “Climate risks to Brazilian coffee production.” Environmental Research Letters. 15: 104015.
- Gil, J.D.B.**, Garrett, R., Rotz, A., Daioglou, V., Valentim, J. Pires, G. F., Costa, M.H., Lopes, L., and Reis, J. 2018. “Tradeoffs in the quest for climate smart agricultural intensification in Brazil.” Environmental Research Letters. 13(6).
Agricultural innovation systems
- Ryschawy, J., Tiffany, S., Gaudin, A., Niles, M., Garrett, R. 2021. “Moving niche agroecological initiatives to the mainstream: A case-study of sheep-viticulture integration in California.” Land Use Policy 109: 105680
- Reis, J., Rodrigues, G., Barros, I., Rodrigues, R., Garrett, R., et al. 2021. “Integrated crop-livestock systems: A sustainable land-use alternative for food production in the Brazilian Cerrado and Amazon.” Journal of Cleaner Production 283: 124580.
- Garrett, R.D., Ryschawy, J., Bell, L., Cornter, O.*, Ferreira, J., Garik, A.V., Gil, J.D.B.**, Klerkx, L, Moraine, M., Peterson, C., Reis, J., Valentim, J. 2020. “Drivers of decoupling and recoupling of crop and livestock systems globally.” Ecology and Society 25(1).
- Cortner, O.*, Garrett, R., Valentim, J., Niles, M., Ferreira, J., and Reis, J.C. 2019. “Local perceptions of benefits and challenges to adopting integrated crop and livestock systems in Brazil.” Land Use Policy. 92: 841-853.
- Reis, JC, Kamoi, M.Y.T, Latorraca, D., Chen, R.F.F., Michetti, M., Wruck, F.J., Garrett, R.D., Valentim, J.F., 2019. “Assessing the economic viability of integrated crop-livestock systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 35(6).
- Niles, M., Garrett, R., and Walsh, D. 2018. "Ecological and economic benefits and challenges for integrating sheep into viticulture production” Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 38(1).
- Garrett, R., Niles, M., Gil, J.**, Gaudin, A., et al. 2017. “Social-ecological analysis of integrated crop and livestock systems: Current knowledge and remaining uncertainty.” Agricultural Systems, 155: 136-146.
- Garrett, R., Niles, M., Gil, J.D.B.**, Dy, P.*, Reis, J., and Valentim, J. 2017. “Policy conditions for re-integrating crop and livestock systems: a comparative analysis.” Sustainability, 9(3): 473.
- Gil, J.D.B.**, Garrett, R., Berger, T., 2016. “Determinants of crop-livestock integration in Brazil: evidence from the household and regional levels.” Land Use Policy, 59:557-568.
Behavior and geography
- Meyfroidt, P. et al., Forthcoming. “Ten facts about land systems for sustainability” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
- Garrett, R., Cammelli, F.**, Ferreira, J., Levy, S.*, Valentim, J., Viera, I., 2021 “Forest transitions and sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon: History, trends, and future prospects.” Annual Reviews in Environment and Resources. 46: 625-652.
- le Polain de Waroux, Y., Garrett, R., Friis, C., Hopping, K. Chapman, M., Hoelle, J., Hodel, L.*, Zaehringer, J.G. 2021. “The role of culture in land system science” Journal of Land Use Science. 16:450-466.
- Cammelli, F.**, Garrett, R.D., Parry, L. and Barlow, J. 2020. “Fire risk explains persistent poverty and fire use in the Brazilian Amazon.” Global Environmental Change 63 (2020): 102096.
- Carlson, A., Zaehringer, J., Garrett, R.D., Silva, R.B.S., Furumo, P. Raya Rey, A. Torres, A., Chung, M., Li, Y., Liu, J. 2018. “Toward rigorous telecoupling causal attribution: a systematic review and typology,” Sustainability. 10(12): 4426.
- Garrett, R., Gardner, T., Fonseca, T., et al. 2017. “Explaining the persistence of low income and environmentally degrading land uses in the Brazilian Amazon”. Ecology and Society. 22(3):27. FLARE Pathways to Prosperity Paper Award (2015)
- Meyfroidt, P. Roy Chowdhury, R., de Bremond, A., Ellis, E.C., Erb, K-H., Filatova, T., Garrett, R. et al., 2018. Middle-range theories of land system change. Global Environmental Change. 53: 52-67.
- Leal, C. G.; Lennox, G. D.; Ferraz, S. F.; Ferreira, J.; Gardner, T. A.; Thomson, J. R.; Berenguer, E.; Lees, A. C.; Hughes, R. M.; MacNally, R., Aragã, L.E.O.C., Brito, J.G., Castello, L., Garrett, R.D. et al. 2020 “Integrated terrestrial-freshwater planning doubles tropical aquatic species conservation.” Science. 370: 117–121.
- Gardner, T. et al., 2013. “A social and ecological assessment of tropical land-uses at multiple scales: the Sustainable Amazon Network.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society – B., 368: 1619.
Nutrition and sustainability
- Gardner, C., Hartle, J., Garrett, R. Offringa, L., and Wasserman, A. 2019. “Amount and type of protein produced and consumed in America: Maximizing the intersection of human health and the health of the environment.” Nutrition Reviews. 77(4): 192-215.
- Hayek, M. and Garrett, R., 2018. “Nationwide shift to grass-fed beef requires larger cattle population.” Environmental Research Letters. 13(8). ERL Featured Article (2018), and IOP Select.